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Sustainability in Generative AI: Why we Need Clean Computing

Abstract: What is Generative AI? The concept of generative artificial intelligence and terms like “AI” have gained an unprecedented level of hype as well as misunderstanding in the past few years; “AI” has become an all-encompassing buzzword to describe complex concepts varying from lengthy analysis of medical data to the generation of memes. But what is it? In a sentence, generative artificial intelligence is the output achieved from complex webs of probability-reliant algorithms called neural networks, designed on the basis of the human brain. When trained with massive amounts of data, these neural networks have the capability to produce human-like […]

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Is Wind Power the Best of the Renewables?

Introduction There is no question that global warming and climate change are having a variety of harmful effects on our planet, which can seriously pose threats to life on earth. Temperatures are rising, air quality is changing, and habitats are being destroyed. The main cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels, which can be done in the engine to run your car, and to create energy at power plants to run and fuel your home. Renewable energy is a very plausible way to create this same energy without the harmful effects of fossil fuel combustion. There are […]

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Does hydroponic farming offer a more sustainable approach and does it provide resolution for food insecurity?

Initial Introduction to Hydroponics: My first exposure to the practice of indoor hydroponic farming was during an entrepreneurship club meeting that was hosted my junior year of high school. As one of the leaders of the club, I decided to host a meeting with the other leaders to further discuss a potential speaker to come talk to the group. Through a family connection one of the members of the group had, we were able to invite the CEO of a local grocery store in our area. When I heard the news that he had agreed to come speak to us, […]

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How Environmentally Beneficial are Electrical Cars?

Abstract You may have noticed more electric cars or hybrid cars on the roads or more public charging stations appearing in parking lots. Electric cars are becoming more and more popular and have become a very quick hit on the market. There has been lots of information that electric cars are better than gas powered cars for the environment and about how environmentally friendly electric cars are. Of course this comes with some backlash that electrical cars are not as sustainable and beneficial for the environment as they claim to be. One example of a negative claim is that the […]

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Lithium Batteries: Truly Clean Energy?

Abstract Lithium mining is an industry that has seen a large increase in popularity over the last 20 years due to a revolution in lithium battery technology. Lithium batteries are used primarily in electric cars and consumer electronics and have progressed largely in size and energy capacity. The extraction and reuse of lithium is where the industry becomes problematic. While using batteries produces no harmful emissions, the same cannot be said for mining operations. They use powerful equipment fueled by gas and diesel engines, producing many carbon emissions. Furthermore, the recycling methods currently in place further exacerbate this issue. In […]

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Have you ever considered how convenient solar cooking could be?

Solar cooking is the practice of preparing food using only the energy of the sun. Unlike traditional stoves, solar cookers are designed to take advantage of the sun’s heat to cook meals. For those who would prefer not to use fossil fuels or natural gas, solar cookers offer a convenient and eco-friendly option. It’s for these reasons that a growing number of individuals are switching to solar cooking. Millions of people around the world still use wood or dung as their primary source of fuel for cooking, despite the fact that doing so requires them to travel long distances and […]

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What is the Future of Our Energy Systems?

Introduction            The topic of our nation’s energy and how we should get it has been hotly debated in politics and the news. It is only getting hotter as more and more research about global warming links energy to climate change. America is currently very dependent on oil, gas, and coal for our energy needs. These forms of energy release carbon dioxide as a byproduct. But we now have the technology to switch to other energy forms that do not emit carbon dioxide and can help reverse global warming.[1] There are three primary carbon-free ways to collect energy that I will […]

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Would You Use A Greenhouse That Regulated Its Own Temperature?

The self-regulating greenhouse will change your life! I believe that everyone should have their own greenhouses that regulate their own temperature because it is beneficial to the environment, and your mental and physical health, and you can earn a profit. This greenhouse does most of the work by regulating the heat so your beautiful garden can grow on its own while you are at your job making money. All you have to do is enjoy watching as your plants sprout and turn into delicious produce or plants you can then plant around your house. The greenhouse will use solar panels, […]

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