Initial Introduction to Hydroponics:
My first exposure to the practice of indoor hydroponic farming was during an entrepreneurship club meeting that was hosted my junior year of high school. As one of the leaders of the club, I decided to host a meeting with the other leaders to further discuss a potential speaker to come talk to the group. Through a family connection one of the members of the group had, we were able to invite the CEO of a local grocery store in our area. When I heard the news that he had agreed to come speak to us, I was very excited but didn’t think it would be about anything beyond the founding of the business and the struggles a business faces during its early developmental stages. I knew I had incorrectly assumed what would be discussed when he walked through the door with a number of unreleased products still in development. One product in particular really caught my attention. Although at first glance it looked like any other bin of lettuce you might purchase at the grocery store, it wasn’t until he went into depth about the product that I learned about its uniqueness. Unlike many other lettuces sold at grocery stores, this lettuce was grown in an indoor hydroponic environment and was never touched by the human hand until the consumer opened up the package. He described how by producing the lettuce in this manner the lettuce produced was a better quality than the pesticide sprayed alternative. Also, he mentioned how this practice enabled the lettuce to maintain a longer shelf life. At the end of the meeting, he let me bring one of the sample packages of lettuce home to try for myself. This meeting sparked my interest in a topic entirely new to me and opened my eyes to possible alternatives to traditional farming methods.

Limitations of Conventional Farming Practices:
Conventional farming practices have been used for hundreds of years and the continued usage of these industrialized techniques has negatively impacted the environment, led to soil degradation, and decreased the quality of the crops produced. As changes to the climate and environment continue, conventional farming becomes increasingly susceptible to poor growth yield due to increased temperatures and prolonged droughts. Also, as the population increases and urbanization transforms lands into housing and infrastructure, the access to arable land continues to diminish. Also, traditional agricultural methods “contribute approximately 10 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (not including emissions from onsite fossil energy use)” (Joiner, Toman 2023) In particular, one of these practices is monoculture. Monoculture is the practice of growing the same plant on a piece of land without the incorporation of diversity. Although it is one of the most widely practiced methods of farming, there are a number of environmental impacts associated with it. Monoculture’s primary “effects on the environment include the loss of soil productivity and fertility, disruption of hydrological cycles, risks associated with plantation forestry practices (e.g., introduction of exotic species), risks of promoting pests and diseases, higher risks of adverse effects of storms and fire, and negative impacts on biodiversity” (Liu, Kuchma, Krutovsky 2018). Monocropping destroys the biodiversity essential for promoting healthy plant life resulting in the requirement for farmers to use pesticides and artificial fertilizers which in turn produce a lower quality product. It is crucial that a more sustainable approach to farming is adopted in order to combat the negative effects and limitations of conventional agricultural practices.

What is Hydroponics:
Unlike conventional farming methods which use soil as the growth medium for plants, hydroponics involves plants being submerged in a liquid solution consisting of water and a variety of nutrients. This solution is recycled amongst all the plants in the system allowing for efficient water consumption and ensures all plants receive the same amount of nutrients. Because hydroponic farming doesn’t require soil, large amounts of space such as fields aren’t required to grow plants. Instead, hydroponic systems are constructed of either vertical structures or layered floors that provide space for the plants to grow. The minimal requirement for space allows hydroponic systems to be implemented in urban areas where space is limited and there isn’t access to areas that could be used for conventional farming. Hydroponics is becoming an increasingly practiced method of farming, especially in urban or drought areas, due to its versatility and ability to be applied to almost any environment. Due to movements towards locally sourced produce in urban areas, “from 1988 to 2014, the wholesale value of [controlled environment] food production increased from $64.2 million to $796.7 million” (Walters, Behe, Curry, Lopez 2020). The increasing application and popularity of hydroponics has put it under the spotlight as a potential sustainable replacement for conventional farming practices. Hydroponics presents itself as a viable sustainable replacement to conventional farming methods due to its increased sustainability (lower water usage, no soil depletion/runoff, limited pesticides, etc.), greater crop yield and health, and increased cost effectiveness.

Increased Sustainability of Hydroponics:
The increased sustainability of hydroponics proves its viability as a potential replacement for conventional farming practices due to its efficient water consumption and management, ability to reclaim and reuse wastewater, and minimized use of pesticides to improve plant growth. Conventional farming systems treat water as a single use input and tend to use water very inefficiently. Conventional farming practices rely on natural precipitation or irrigation systems such as broadcast sprinklers to provide water to their crops. Due to the large scale of the growing areas, a lot of water is required to provide sufficient water to all the crops. Little of this water is actually absorbed by the plants which results in a large amount of it being absorbed into the soil or running off into the local environment. Although the plants are able to absorb some of the water from the soil, there still is significant water that is wasted as a result of this practice. Unlike conventional farming methods that rely on natural precipitation or irrigation systems to provide water to the plants, hydroponic systems are able to recycle the water that is not absorbed by the plants allowing them to be more efficient in their water consumption. Hydroponic systems are able to recycle water because the plants are grown in a controlled environment with all remaining water continuing to flow between all of the plants. Through the recycling of water “a hydroponic farming system can assure minimum water savings of up to 70–80% compared to that of soil-based farming systems” (Kannan 2022). Not only are hydroponic systems able to recycle the water they use but, they are also able to rehabilitate and reclaim unwanted wastewater. Although there are a variety of methods targeted towards the purification of wastewater, “high-strength industrial wastewater still contains numerous persistent organic contaminants and inorganic pollutants, as well as heavy metals, presenting significant challenges to environmental safety” (Saxena, Bharagava 2017). The presence of inorganic pollutants and heavy metals in wastewater pose a potential threat to our existing drinkable water. When wastewater is incorporated into hydroponic systems the plants are able to take advantage of the plethora of nutrients present in the water without absorbing any of the pathogens or debris. The practice of using wastewater in hydroponic system irrigation helps mitigate the environmental impacts that are caused by the accumulation of wastewater by removing heavy metals and converting them to nutrients for the plants. The wastewater circulated through hydroponic systems can then be further cleaned by other methods and “used for human consumption after proper disinfection, for industrial processes as a source of cooling water…and agricultural irrigation” (Wastewater Reuse). The reclaiming of wastewater by implementing it into hydroponic systems helps mitigate the adverse effects associated with the accumulation of wastewater.

Conventional farming methods rely on the application of fertilizers and pesticides to provide plants with essential nutrients that have been lost due to the degradation of the soil and to kill off unwanted insects and pests. Plants grown through hydroponic farming however, are done so without using pesticides. Plants grown in hydroponic environments rely solely on the mineral water solution they are submerged in to provide the essential nutrients. Also, because hydroponic systems typically occur indoors there is no concern for the plants being disrupted by bugs or animal life. Studies have shown that “frequent consumption of food based on agricultural crops grown on soil with pesticides results in short-duration (acute) and long-duration (chronic) diseases and disorders” (Kalyabina 2021). The exclusion of the use of pesticides presents hydroponics as a more sustainable practice that prevents human exposure to harmful chemicals and pesticides in the foods they consume.
Counter Arguments to the Increased Sustainability of Hydroponics:
Some counter arguments to the presentation of hydroponics as a sustainable farming practice surround the environmental impacts caused by indoor hydroponic facilities. Hydroponic systems are often in climates where it is either too cold or too hot to grow crops all year round. As a result, these facilities require temperature regulation and artificial lighting to ensure ideal growing conditions for the plants. Providing temperature regulation for these large facilities is not cheap and requires a lot of electricity. “The production of fruits and vegetables in heated greenhouses or in other spaces accounts for about 74% of the agricultural sector’s total energy use” (Premanandh 2011). Although I agree that these indoor facilities are energy inefficient, through the implementation of renewable energy practices such as solar, these facilities could provide all their necessary energy without the need for fossil fuels. By minimizing the reliance on fossil fuels, hydroponic facilities can lower their carbon footprint and emissions. Also, this energy usage only applies to indoor facilities. Indoor hydroponic facilities are not required in areas where the climate is able to sustain productive plant growth. Outdoor hydroponic growing spaces are often more common than indoor facilities due to their lower cost. Another counterargument to indoor facilities are the environmental impacts caused by the construction of these facilities. “The construction of new greenhouse structures in addition to the platforms required for hydroponic farming, requiring new buildings and infrastructure,” thereby increasing the carbon footprint of hydroponic practices (Martin, Molin 2019). The majority of materials used in a hydroponic farming system are made of plastic materials whose production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, the production of plastics “were responsible for around 3.3% of global emissions” (Ritchie 2023). In response to these concerns, I offer the solution of utilizing underused commercial and industrial spaces that already exist to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with the construction of new facilities. Also, by converting to a more sustainable building materials than plastic, the carbon emissions produced through the production of indoor hydroponic facilities would be greatly reduced.

Increased yield and Crop health:
Crops grown through hydroponic systems exhibit a higher yield and growth when compared to crops grown by conventional farming methods. Hydroponic systems are able to produce crops at a greater yield and health due to the increased regulation they have over the growing process. Not only are growers able to regulate the temperature of indoor facilities to ensure ideal conditions for plant growth but they are also able to regulate the water and nutrient consumption of the plants. Because the plants’ roots are submerged in a nutrient enriched water solution, growers are able to dictate the ratio of how much nutrients the plants receive compared to their water intake. By doing so, the growers are able to ensure that the plants receive the amount of nutrients and water that allows them to maximize their growth and health. “In comparison to soil-grown strawberries, the hydroponic strawberries had a yield that was 17% greater. Because of the exact control over the nutrient solution and the potential for the plants to be in their ideal growth circumstances, hydroponically grown plants are believed to produce higher yields” (Nazir, Roy, Saha 2024). Additionally, because these plants are not grown in soil, soil borne illnesses are able to be avoided allowing for healthier plants. The primary reason why hydroponic systems are able to produce healthier plants is because they allow for greater water and mineral absorption. Hydroponic systems use significantly less water than traditional farming methods, “the plants water consumption…for the tested hydroponics systems… shows that the average water consumption of the plants grown in the open system was 15 to 17 % higher” (AlShrouf 2017). For plants, water is essential in assisting photosynthesis and energy production and allows the plant to transport nutrients and sugars. By increasing the plants’ ability to absorb water, plants grown in hydroponic systems are able to grow in a healthier manner while producing a greater yield at a more efficient rate. Because hydroponic systems are typically grown indoors, there is no concern of animals or insects hindering the plant’s growing process allowing for the production of plants that produce greater yields and are of a higher quality.

Nutrient Density of Hydroponically Grown Foods vs. Organic Foods:
The nutrient density of hydroponically grown foods is often compared to the nutrient density of organic foods by those who wish to disprove the validity of hydroponics and its ability to produce crops of great nutritional value and quality. “Many argue that hydroponically grown produce may lack certain flavors or nutrients compared to soil-grown crops” (Atlas Scientific 2024). Those who argue this do so because they believe that since plants grown in hydroponic systems aren’t done so through the use of soil they are unable to absorb all the essential nutrients typically found in plants grown through conventional methods. In reality, however, the nutrient concentration of a fruit or vegetable is heavily dependent on the amount of nutrients present in the growth medium and the duration of time elapsed between harvest and consumption. Since the nutrient concentration within the growth medium of hydroponics is entirely dependent on the grower, they can determine the desired nutrient quality required to produce the most nutrient-rich crop possible. Also, “how fresh the produce is may have more of an impact on its nutrient quality than how it was grown. Lettuce or tomatoes from a local hydroponic grower may be more nutritious than conventional or organic produce that’s spent a week in transit, simply because less time has elapsed” (Reinagle 2016). The health and nutritional value of a fruit or vegetable has less to do with the production method, hydroponics or conventional, and more about the amount of nutrients present in the growth medium and the time it takes for the produce to be consumed.

Increased Cost Effectiveness:
The increased water efficiency and ability for hydroponic systems to produce plants at a greater yield and quality allows it to be a more cost effective farming strategy. Both hydroponic and conventional farming have upfront costs that must be paid in order to get started. For large scale conventional farming, the upfront costs include land investment, purchasing irrigation systems, and purchasing tilling and harvesting equipment. The upfront costs for large scale hydroponic farming include purchasing an indoor industrial facility, temperature regulating machinery, and UV lighting equipment. The initial costs of both methods can be scaled down or up depending on the intended output or budget of the operation. In order to compare the initial set up cost between an outdoor traditional farming system and an indoor hydroponic system, we will speak in terms of a small scale rendition of each method that the average person may incorporate within their property. “A modest traditional setup will initially cost between $290 and $440 USD” while “the initial cost for starting with hydroponics would be around $660 and $1400 USD” (Nature Tech 2024). Although the initial cost of hydroponics is greater in the short term, it proves to be much more cost effective long term. While conventional farming methods have ongoing costs due to the necessity for fertilizers, pesticides, and additional soil, these expenses do not apply to hydroponics because it doesn’t use soil. Because hydroponic farming is more efficient in its water consumption, growers are also able to minimize the amount of money they spend on purchasing water for irrigation. Also, due to the increased yield of hydroponics, those who use hydroponic systems are able to receive more produce from their initial investment. The reduced yield to price ratio allows hydroponics to produce crops at a lower price point. According to a study that measured the cost effectiveness of hydroponics by comparing the input costs of hydroponics and conventional farming, the “the unit production cost [of lettuce heads produced by hydroponics] equaled to $0.46/head” while the production price of lettuce heads produced by conventional methods “was estimated at $0.75/per head” (Gumisiriza, Ndakidemi, Nalunga, Mbega 2022). Despite the higher initial costs, hydroponics is still able to produce crops at a lower cost to the producer when compared to the cost to the producer associated with conventional methods. The increased cost effectiveness of hydroponics sets it apart from conventional farming methods because it is able to deliver produce that is a greater quality at a lower expense to the consumer.

Counter Argument to the Increased Cost Effectiveness of Hydroponics:
Some counter arguments regarding the cost effectiveness of hydroponics surround the idea that it requires more frequent attention and monitoring in order to ensure the system is functioning as intended. “To avoid failure of any of these components, growers need to be highly vigilant. Constant monitoring is required to check whether the pumps are working correctly or if the temperature and light are adequate” (McCray 2023). While some argue that the requirement for additional monitoring increases the labor cost associated with hydroponics, I say the additional spending is worth the increased yield and quality of the produce. The strong focus of ensuring the integrity of hydroponic systems allows growers to create a more ideal growing environment; therefore, allowing for the production of higher quality and healthier plants year-round. As technology in hydroponic systems continues to develop, technologies “categorized under four key areas: Sensors, Food, Automation and Engineering…will help agriculture to check and maintain crops at the plant level” (AlShrouf 2017). By incorporating these technologies within the existing hydroponic systems growers will be able to minimize labor expenses contributing towards monitoring the functionality of the system. The lower labor expenses will allow producers to continue to decrease the price of the produce they grow; therefore, enabling hydroponics to play a larger role in combating food insecurity.

What is Food Insecurity:
As the population of the world increases, more land is being converted into industrial, living, and commercial spaces. Despite the conversion of land to fit the needs of the growing population, there is an increasing demand for the agricultural industry to produce more output in order to provide sufficient food for the growing population. “By 2050, we will need to increase food production by about 70% in order to meet the caloric needs of a global population of 9.8 billion people—68% of whom are projected to live in urban areas” (Boylan 2020). According to the US Department of Agriculture, food insecurity “is a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.” Cities and urban environments, in particular, are areas that exhibit high food insecurity due to the limited access to growing spaces and requirement for fresh vegetables and fruits to be imported. Also, the high cost of real estate in cities discourages potential grocery stores from opening up an establishment in a city. The importation of vegetables and fruits raises the price and carbon footprint for these foods resulting in areas known as food deserts. “A food desert is a low-income geographic area where a significant number of people have little or no access to nutritious and affordable food products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. In these underserved communities, many residents have no choice other than to buy processed foods from their nearest corner store, convenience store, or fast food outlet” (New Roots Staff, 2022). The inability for these people to have access to fresh produce forces them to eat higher quantities of processed foods due to their convenience and lower cost. Food insecurity can also occur as a result of the climate or current growing conditions impacting the agricultural industry. When there is a large-scale drought or extreme weather conditions, the destruction of crops results in a lower quantity of crops being brought to the market which again increases the price. It is important that solutions to food insecurity are found in order to ensure the physical well-being of people suffering from limited access to fresh produce.

Hydroponics as a solution to food insecurity:
As researchers look for potential solutions to combat food insecurity in urban and rural communities, Hydroponics is becoming increasingly popular due to its versatility to grow crops no matter the climate, efficient water consumption, increased cost effectiveness, and production of crops at a greater yield and health. The characteristics of hydroponics that present it as a viable replacement for conventional farming also characterize it as a solution to food insecurity. Because the majority of people who experience food insecurity live in low-income communities, the reduced price of produce grown by hydroponic systems enables them to consume healthy foods in a more affordable manner. Also, the increased quality and size of hydroponically grown crops allows the consumer to receive more product for their money than if they bought the same product grown through conventional methods. The reduced prices of crops produced by hydroponic systems allows hydroponics to be a more cost effective solution to food insecurity.
The biggest advantage of hydroponics, when addressing the issue of food insecurity, is its ability to grow crops on a year-round basis through the use of indoor facilities. Through the application of conventional farming methods, growers can only grow crops during seasons with temperatures that are able to sustain plant growth. Because seasons with extreme heat or cold are excluded from the growing seasons, areas that already suffer from food insecurity are impacted even more. “Hydroponic systems can produce a steady supply of vegetables throughout the year, ensuring that food banks have a constant source of fresh, nutritious produce. This reliability can reduce the dependency on external donations and surplus food, providing greater food security for those in need” (Freight Farms 2024). The ability to provide a steady supply of food in months outside the traditional growing seasons allows hydroponics to better combat the issue of food insecurity.

Nonprofit organizations such as Freight farms are incorporating hydroponic systems into unused cargo crates in an attempt to combat food insecurity. Because these crates are easily transported and very space efficient, the organization has been able to provide communities struggling with food insecurity with freshly grown produce. Rather than building hydroponic facilities, these crates are also easily temperature controlled allowing for them to be implemented in any environment in a more cost effective manner. The design of the crate also allows them to be stacked on top of each other allowing for a space effective design that can be implemented into areas with limited space (Freight Farms 2024). Through continued innovations and improvements to lower the cost of hydroponic systems, more areas suffering from food insecurity will be able to grow their own crops and gain access to the foods necessary for proper nutrition and health.
Given the current trajectory that conventional farming is on, it is necessary that a more sustainable practice of farming be adopted in order to both protect the environment and adapt to the growing population. Hydroponics is a viable alternative to conventional farming practices because it is more sustainable, more cost effective, and has increased crop yield and plant health. The practice is also more space efficient than traditional methods allowing for better application in urban areas with limited growing space. Hydroponics is one of a few agricultural innovations that has been put into action and has proven to be effective in any environment it has been tested in. Although it will be difficult to gain traction amongst all farmers in the agricultural industry, it is imperative that a solution such as hydroponics is implemented in order to ensure the preservation of our precious environment. Through broader adoption of hydroponics, our society will have better tools at its disposal to lower the number of people who suffer from food insecurity because of their economic status or environment. (Kelley 2022) Despite the various parties who dispute hydroponics’ effectiveness and ability to replace conventional farming practices, it is important that scientists continue to research and develop hydroponic systems that possess increased efficiency and sustainability.

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