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PFAS, Their History, Danger and How we Fix The World

Something in our world is unseen by the eye but is in every human alive. It is a toxin slowly killing and damaging all of us, the name of this something is PFAS chemicals. PFAS are chemicals produced by industry that are extremely harmful in various ways, from their widespread use in transportation to their bioaccumulative nature in many systems. They are one of the biggest issues affecting countries with developed industries because they have been unregulated and over-generated since the 1940s (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2024) (ref). So many populations of people are suffering from health incidences that could […]

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Sustainability in Generative AI: Why we Need Clean Computing

Abstract: What is Generative AI? The concept of generative artificial intelligence and terms like “AI” have gained an unprecedented level of hype as well as misunderstanding in the past few years; “AI” has become an all-encompassing buzzword to describe complex concepts varying from lengthy analysis of medical data to the generation of memes. But what is it? In a sentence, generative artificial intelligence is the output achieved from complex webs of probability-reliant algorithms called neural networks, designed on the basis of the human brain. When trained with massive amounts of data, these neural networks have the capability to produce human-like […]

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What are the Health Effects of the Standard American Diet?

Abstract The “Standard American Diet” has been a growing health hazard to human health over the years. Each year, more and more unhealthy ingredients are being added to our everyday foods, while less and less healthy ingredients are present. These added ingredients are putting all Americans’ lives at risk for chronic diseases and decreasing our lifespans (6). Critics of food and diet claim that the SAD is only a small contributing factor to diseases later on in life. I believe that what you put into your body is far more important than genetics or lifestyle, due to the amount of […]

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Is Wind Power the Best of the Renewables?

Introduction There is no question that global warming and climate change are having a variety of harmful effects on our planet, which can seriously pose threats to life on earth. Temperatures are rising, air quality is changing, and habitats are being destroyed. The main cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels, which can be done in the engine to run your car, and to create energy at power plants to run and fuel your home. Renewable energy is a very plausible way to create this same energy without the harmful effects of fossil fuel combustion. There are […]

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What is the future of plastic bags in the world?

Introduction Figure [1] picture of how many bags are used by an average grocery store purchase Imagine the following situation: It’s a Sunday afternoon in your suburban Pennsylvania town, and you’re doing a weekly reset before a busy week. Naturally, you buy a week’s groceries at the local grocery store. When you arrive home you realize you have forgotten eggs. Because it’s only a five-minute drive away, you quickly go and buy enough eggs to last the week. At the checkout, the cashier doesn’t even ask if you’d like a bag and places your one container of eggs you purchased […]

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Is Regenerative Agriculture the Future?

About Me Before I went to college, I had never heard the term “regenerative agriculture” before, and it wasn’t until I came to Bucknell University that my eyes were opened to the potential that regenerative agriculture could have. In my freshman seminar class, we took a tour of the Bucknell Farm. At first I wasn’t very excited about it because I had to walk all the way across campus at eight in the morning, but as the tour concluded, I felt the complete opposite. I felt as if I wanted it to go on forever. While on the tour, Jen, […]

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Does hydroponic farming offer a more sustainable approach and does it provide resolution for food insecurity?

Initial Introduction to Hydroponics: My first exposure to the practice of indoor hydroponic farming was during an entrepreneurship club meeting that was hosted my junior year of high school. As one of the leaders of the club, I decided to host a meeting with the other leaders to further discuss a potential speaker to come talk to the group. Through a family connection one of the members of the group had, we were able to invite the CEO of a local grocery store in our area. When I heard the news that he had agreed to come speak to us, […]

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The Colors You’re “Dyeing” For

About Me I was in middle school when I first did a project on food coloring. At that age, I adored foods with coloring, as every kid does, even after learning the health risks you take when you ingest them. Every kid dreams of sitting in a room full of bright sugary candy or popular chips. It wasn’t until now, doing similar, but now more advanced research that I realized how prevalent food coloring is in your everyday life. It is sad what our world has come to. The inefficiency in our industries, combined with product scarcity, creates a vicious […]

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How can food waste sustainability save the world

Introduction Many things are normalized in the United States such as access to clean water, easily accessible food, and unfortunately wasting food. Food waste affects everyone even if they don’t know it. Whether they are causing the problem or being affected by it. Huge amounts of food are also lost simply because we throw it away. Supermarkets, shops, and households simply throw out 35% of the wasted food.[1] This means that around 1.3 million tons of food can be used to help starving people. This number doesn’t just represent the amount of food lost but also the energy, resources, labor, […]

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How do plant-based diets affect human and environmental health?

Imagine transforming your health, protecting biodiversity, and preserving the environment—all with a single dietary choice. This is possible by following a plant-based diet. It is evident that a plant-based diet is the ideal diet for positive individual health. They contribute benefits to one’s overall well-being while promoting a healthier planet for all living beings. Although it is clear and certain that plant-based diets have the best effect on the body, it can be argued that a fully non-processed diet has a better effect on the environment. This diet can be plant-based, but it could also be possible to find non-processed animal […]

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